Building Services Engineers Sydney

Aged Care Clients

20+ years’ experience in the Aged Care Industry has seen many changes in care models and Codes. During this time DSC has been at the forefront of delivering successful projects for both profit and non-profit organisations.

With knowledge gained on numerous projects over this time DSC consult with the building operator and the design team to develop carefully conceived, cost effective and technologically advanced solutions whilst recognising ease of use.

Our clients include Anglicare (11 projects), Catholic Healthcare (3 projects), Greengate Group (4 projects), IRT (14 Projects), Carrington Care (8 projects), Wesley Mission (1 project), RSL Lifecare (4 projects), Twilight Aged Care (1 project), UPA (3 projects) and Uniting Care (4 Projects).

DSC provided Mechanical, Electrical, Hydraulic, Fire and Vertical Transportation Services on the majority of these projects.


NSW, Australia


Aged Care